The agricultural community has had to quickly adapt to the legal and other impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The ALEI team has been working to develop resources to help address some of these issues. This page will be updated regularly as more resources are created to address this evolving situation.
- Force Majeure Clauses: What Are They and How Do They Apply in Issues Caused by COVID-19? April 10, 2020, by Paul Goeringer, Elizabeth Thilmany, and Mayhah Suri
This blog post explains how a force majeure clause in a supplier contract might be relevant if one or more parties cannot fulfill the contract due to issues related to the virus outbreak. - Debt Collection April 2020, by Julie Walker, Research Assistant
Provides an overview of legal rights when dealing with debt collection.
Estate Planning
- Governor Hogan Authorizes Virtual Witnessing of Estate Planning Documents May 7, 2020, by Mayhah Suri
This blog post explains recent changes that allow estate planning documents like wills and advanced health directives to be executed remotely in order to comply with public health distancing orders during the global pandemic.
Food Safety
- Produce Food Safety & COVID-19 May 5, 2020, by Sarah Everhart
This post will provide a brief overview of some of the ways farm operators can reduce the spread of COVID-19 - COVID-19 Guidance: Farms and On-Farm Deliveries and Pick-Ups
Farmworkers and the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Temporary Worker Housing COVID-19 GuidanceInsurance
- Insurance Coverage and COVID 19 April 7, 2020, by Nicole Cook
This blog post provides information about what farm businesses can do to best position their operation to recover indemnity payments under the terms of their property and liability insurance policies for losses related to COVID-19. -
Maryland's Self-Employed, Including Farmers, Can Begin Applying for Pandemic Unemployment Insurance April 24, 2020, by Nicole Cook
This post provides information about unemployment insurance available under the CARES Act.
- Maryland Department of Ag Provides Clarity on Social Distances for Ag Related Businesses March 24, 2020, by Sarah Everhart
This blog post provides information about how ag-related businesses are impacted by COVID-19 related social distancing requirements. - Paid Sick Leave April 11, 2020 by Sarah Everhart
This video describes COVID-19 related paid sick and family leave. - COVID-19 & Paid Sick Leave for Agricultural Employees April 14, 2020, by Sarah Everhart
This blog post provides information about the new paid sick and family leave requirements. - Essential Maryland Worker Permit Downloadable Template
- Essential Maryland Contractor Permit Downloadable Template
COVID-19 and the H-2A Visa Worker Program April 20, 2020, by Sarah Everhart
This blog post summarizes recent changes to the H2-A visa worker program due to COVID-19. - Employer Liability in the Time of COVID June 9, 2020, by Nicole Cook
This blog post looks at the potential types of claims that employees who contract COVID-19 could bring against their employers, possible defenses to such claims, and how employers can reduce the likelihood of a claim being brought in the first place.
- Maryland Agriculture Site COVID-19 Guidance: Maintain a Healthy Workforce
- Maryland Agriculture Site COVID-19 Guidance: Agriculture Workforce Training
- Covid-19 Facility/Site Compliance: Agricultural Safe Business Practices, Face Covering & Social Distancing Compliance Checklist
These resources outline procedures for how farmers markets can operate in MD during COVID-19
- Maryland Farmers Markets during COVID-19 April 16, 2020, by the Maryland Dept. of Health & Maryland Dept. of Agriculture
- Maryland Pick-Your-Own Operations During COVID-19 State of Emergency April 2020, by the Maryland Dept. of Health & Maryland Dept. of Agriculture
SBA Programs
- Paycheck Protection Program April 8, 2020, by Sarah Everhart
This is a short video outlining the Paycheck Protection Program. - Worried About Paying Your Workers? Consider the Paycheck Protection Program April 2, 2020, by Sarah Everhart
This blog post provides information about how farm businesses can benefit from the Paycheck Protection Program. - Changes to the Paycheck Protection Program June 16, 2020, by Sarah Everhart This blog post provides information about recent amendments to the Paycheck Protection Program
- Get Ready! Farmers and Ranchers Are Now Eligible for Economic Injury Disaster Loan April 28, 2020, by Nicole Cook
This post provides information about the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program.
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA)
As guidance on COVID-19 evolves, some farmers are interested in developing CSA marketing programs. If you are considering starting or modifying a CSA program, check out these resources on CSA leasing, here.