ALEI and Maryland Sea Grant Welcome New Law and Policy Fellow, Kerry McClaughry
By Nicole Cook and Kerry McClaughry
This September, ALEI and Maryland Sea Grant (MDSG) welcomed our 2024-2025 Law
and Policy Fellow, Kerry McClaughry! Kerry earned her B.S. in Environmental Science
from Juniata College where she also minored in Education. While an undergrad, Kerry
spent an immersive semester at Raystown Lake Field Station studying aquatic ecology
and limnology, looking particularly at the effects of lake eutrophication on aquatic plant
Kerry recently graduated from the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of
Law where she earned a Certificate in Environmental Law. While at Maryland Carey
Law, Kerry served as Co-President on the executive board of the Maryland
Environmental Law Society and participated in the Environmental Law Clinic. In the
Clinic, Kerry focused on addressing the issue of reducing nonpoint source pollution into
the Chesapeake Bay through changes in policy. While in law school, Kerry spent time
working with the National Agricultural Law Center on State Farm Bill education materials
and other agricultural topics. Kerry is excited to continue to work on projects focused on
protecting the Chesapeake Bay and build on past Fellows’ work to expand the voices
being heard on environmental policy and agricultural law issues.
In 2018, Maryland Sea Grant and ALEI partnered to obtain funding from NOAA Sea
Grant to create the Law & Policy Fellowship. The program aims to be a collaborative
coastal law and policy resource in Maryland. During her fellowship, Kerry will be
working with various partners and collaborators across disciplines to encourage new
legal and policy scholarship on coastal community adaptation to climate change
throughout the MidAtlantic and Chesapeake Bay areas.
Fredrika Moser is the Director of Maryland Sea Grant. Nicole Cook is the ALEI
Environmental and Agricultural Faculty Legal Specialist at the University of Maryland
Eastern Shore and will continue in her role supervising and mentoring the Fellow.