By: Mayhah Suri
ALEI specialists Paul Goeringer and Mayhah Suri are working with partners from University of Maryland Extension, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, and Maryland Department of Agriculture to present a four-part webinar in August 2020 called Investing in Your Farm’s Future.
This series continues ALEI’s work to help Maryland farm navigate the complex process of passing the farm and assets to the next generation. According to Goeringer, “Succession planning can seem overwhelming because so many factors are involved – health, finances, business plans, management, family dynamics, and legal issues.” The series takes a holistic approach to succession planning to touch on all of these topics. A strength of this series is the diversity of speakers. The presenters include retirement experts, business management experts, communications experts, and legal experts.
Suri encourages families to attend together. “For better or worse, passing on the farm is a process that includes many generations. At our in-person version of the series, attendees who came with their parents or children had fruitful and thoughtful discussions sparked by the presentations,” said Suri.
Topics include “Retirement Planning” (August 6), “Health Insurance in Later Years” (August 13), “Business Planning and Communications” (August 20), and “Legal Topics, Planning Tools and Finding the Right Team” (August 27). The series is free but registration is required. You may register for any or all of the sessions offered. To register, visit https://go.umd.edu/5Qv . Recordings will be made available.