USDA Heirs Property Relending Program

The one-hour session aims to inform participants about how the program can assist borrowers seeking to secure title to property that’s owned by multiple family members, whether those family members are known or unknown. A representative from the Farm Service Agency in Annapolis, Maryland, will provide information about the program […]

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Environmental Enforcement Actions: New Tools in the Litigation Toolbox?


This panel will look at two bills that passed in the last General Assembly:  The Citizen Intervention Bill (HB76/SB334) expands the scope of who has standing to intervene in civil actions brought by the State in state court regarding enforcement of water pollution control or any related discharge permit, effluent limitation, […]

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Using Legal Education to Increase Equitable Participation in NRCS Conservation Programs


This panel will discuss NRCS programs, including common legal considerations when entering NRCS program contracts and benefits of participation, and highlight the UME Cultivating Conservation Project, which will create resources for farmers navigating the application and administration processes. Presenters:  Dr. Sarah Hirsh, Ag Agent, University of Maryland Extension - Lower […]

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Legislative Strategies for Reaching Ag Sector 2025 Chesapeake Bay Clean-up Goals


This panel will focus on the statutory tools created in the 2020 Maryland General Assembly to assist the agricultural sector in reaching the 2025 Chesapeake Bay Clean-up goals. The experts will discuss the increase in funding available via the Maryland Agricultural Water Quality Cost-Share Program, the Clean Water Commerce Act, […]

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Developing Issues in Agricultural and Environmental Law


Paul will highlight this year’s developing legal issues in agricultural, environmental, and food law from courtroom decisions, law, and policy and will let attendees know what issues to watch in 202. Presenter:  Paul Goeringer, Extension Legal Specialist    

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